Coronavirus becomes a headache for every person all over the world. It has spread all most 215 countries all over the world. Almost 7,357,153+ people are affected by it and 414,474+ people dead. Covid-19 the virus named by WHO. it is spreading all over the world. At first, it appeared in China after that it has spread in Europe. Now, How Golfers Stay Protected in Field By CoronaVirus?
Then He must follow some health maintenance to protect himself from coronavirus. The best solution is to stay at home and remain neat and clean. If any symptoms of coronavirus seen in our body then we should go to a doctor for a check-up.
How Golfers Stay Protected in Field By CoronaVirus? So, let’s have a Quick Glance
If you want to play golf and you know the harm of coronavirus. Then you have to observe some things and that is. Avoid handshakes after the game. Use mask and hand sanitizer and remain safe from touching things.
How to Remain Safe in The Golf Course
If you touch an infected surface that will not give you covid-19. But if you touch your nose or mouth or eyes then it will be a problem for you. Because it will mix with blood shell and affect you with the virus. So better is remain untouched any object in the golf field.
When you play golf keep hand sanitizer with you. Wear musk while playing golf and avoid handshake after the game. Handshake is ok but after a handshake, if you don’t wash your hand. And you touch nose or eyes it will be a problem for you.
The better solution is to stay at home. Because people are not so aware all the time. He will do a mistake or forgot to perform the things in coronavirus. The reason is “To err is human”. Man can do any kind of mistake anytime.
Things to Do While Play Golf
- Wash hand sanitizer before touching the golf clubs.
- Use gloves once after it throws it in a bin.
- While coughing use tissue.
- Keep hand sanitizer, tissue while playing golf.
- Use a mask when playing golf.
Things Not to Do While Play Golf
- Do not touch the flagstick, because there can be a virus.
- Do not use other gloves.
- Avoid handshake.
- Do not use gloves for the second time.
Is it Safe For Play Golf in Coronavirus
Well we know corona virus become a major concern all over the world. Peoples are panicking to this virus. But we don’t have to panic about it. We can prevent this coronavirus if we follow some things.
A golfer who earns his livelihood through playing golf or golfing is his occupation. Then it will be hard for him to live without playing golf. So if he wants to play golf then he has to follow some things. He has to avoid touching the infected surface. If he touches it then he must wash his hand as soon as possible. And don’t touch nose or eyes after touching an infected surface or golf clubs.
If a golfer sees someone who has the symptoms of corona virus then he should advise him to stay at home. Because it can be spread to healthy person though him.
How Golfers Stay Protected in Field By CoronaVirus? Final Word
If you think that you will play golf whatever the condition is. Then you must stay clean yourself, wash your hands for 20 seconds with soup or handwash. Stay aware of touching an infected surface or if touches then wash your hands immodestly.
Use your own golf clubs and gloves and remain using other clubs. And the best and better solution is to stay at home or if you want to play. Then just follow the health concern things and remain untouched the infected things.
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